
ScImage发布PicomWebLink 实现无需介质的影像共享

来源:HIT专家网     沈建苗译

编者按:7月10日,嘉兴市第一医院刚举办了PACS 天翼云存储项目实施情况通报会。该项目利用云存储解决医院影像存储、调阅问题,只要有网络的地方,就可以进行快速传输、简单、安全的云影像接入服务。目光转向国外同行,7月22日,ScImage公司宣布发布PicomWebLink™。这项技术利用ScImage的PICOM365™支持互联网的平台,让授权用户可以与网络外面的患者及医生共享安全的WebLink(WebLink含有访问码和到期日),可以在任何设备上、用任何操作系统来查看影像。


7月22日,企业影像领域先驱 ScImage公司宣布发布PicomWebLink™,该技术为医疗机构提供了刻录含有患者机密信息的不安全光盘之外的一种选择。这项技术利用ScImage的PICOM365™支持互联网的平台,让授权用户可以与网络外面的患者及医生共享安全的WebLink(WebLink含有访问码和到期日),可以在任何设备上、用任何操作系统来查看影像。

ScImage的创始人兼首席执行官Sai Raya博士说:“医疗机构经常花大量的钱用于确保患者信息安全上。但是万一光盘流失到外面,会发生什么情况?而PicoWebLink让你可以在安全有保障的云里面共享检查影像,又没有物理介质的局限性。”

ScImage的PICOM365企业影像存档与传输系统(PICOM365 Enterprise PACS)将诊断阅读和报告所有医学影像检查结果的功能整合到单一平台里。无论医疗机构的企业数据存储在云端、存储在企业内部还是两者兼而有之,它们都可以使用PicomWebLink。还可以通过ScImage的云PACS解决方案PicomCloud™使用PicomWebLink。


ScImage releases PicomWebLink secure sharing portal

Media-free image sharing with patients and their physicians

Los Altos, CA – July 22, 2015:  Enterprise imaging pioneer, ScImage, announced the release of PicomWebLink™, which provides facilities an alternative to burning unsecured CD’s containing confidential patient information.  The technology uses ScImage’s PICOM365™ web-enabled platform and allows an authorized user to share a secure WebLink, which includes access code and expiration date, to patients and physicians outside of the network.  Images are viewable on any device and with any operating system.

“Healthcare institutions spend large amounts of money on securing patient information,” said Sai Raya, PhD, founder and CEO of ScImage. “But what happens when a CD leaves the premises?  PicomWebLink allows you to share exam images within the security of the cloud, and without the limitations of physical media.”

ScImage’s PICOM365 Enterprise PACS unifies diagnostic reading and reporting of all medical imaging exams within a single platform.  PicomWebLink is available to facilities regardless of whether their enterprise data is stored in the cloud, on premise, or both.  PicomWebLink is also available via PicomCloud™, ScImage’s cloud PACS solution.  Contact ScImage to learn more about how you can incorporate PicomWebLink into your imaging infrastructure.


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