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全世界共有1826位亿万富豪。今年《福布斯》超级富豪排行榜包括290张新面孔,占据榜单前三甲的是:比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates),他通过微软赚得702亿美元;卡洛斯·斯利姆·埃卢(Carlos Slim Helu),他在电信行业获利771亿美元;以及沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffet),这位天才投资者身价高达727亿美元。



陈颂雄(Patrick Soon-Shiong)

陈颂雄(Patrick Soon-Shiong)身上有多个头衔:医学研究员、教授、外科医生和白手起家的亿万富豪,今年跻身 《福布斯》 富豪榜。虽然归属制药行业,但是可以将他归在医疗IT行业。他一手创办了NantHealth,这家公司开发了基于云的双向临床操作系统;他说,该系统与任何设备或电子健康档案无关。他曾表示,计划今年将NantHealth上市。这位被誉为“世界上最有钱的医生”,一直致力于消灭癌症的使命。今年3月2日,陈颂雄宣布NantHealth和Allscripts公司将“合作开发和确保医护点的精准用药”。陈颂雄在新闻声明中说:“Allscripts是第一家主要的临床电子病历(EMR)提供商,我们期待与Allscripts的团队合作,能在互操作性方面取得重大的进步;为了让医生和病人能够在治疗前、治疗中和治疗后都保持积极参与,并且能够尽早实行最适当的个性化干预,互操作性必不可少。”

2.朱迪·福克纳(Judy Faulkner)以28亿美元的净资产,排名《福布斯》富豪榜第663

朱迪·福克纳(Judy Faulkner)

她在1979年创办了Epic Systems,公司总部位于威斯康星州维罗纳。《福布斯》估计Epic在2011年的经营收入为12亿美元。

福克纳之前曾是美国政府20名成员组成的医疗IT政策委员会(Health IT Policy Committee)中的一员,该委员会为美国医疗IT协调办公室(ONC)献计献策。


3.尼尔·帕特森(Neal Patterson)以19亿美元的净资产,排名《福布斯》富豪榜第1006

尼尔·帕特森(Neal Patterson)

1979年,帕特森与安达信咨询公司(Arthur Anderson)的两名同事,创办了Cerner公司,总部位于堪萨斯城。今年,其中一名同事与帕特森一道首次登上富豪榜。据Cerner官方网站显示,创始人在创办公司之初只有一套实验室信息系统。2012年,帕特森牵头与其他医疗IT提供商一道成立CommonWell健康联盟(CommonWell Health Alliance)。这个行业组织旨在让众多电子健康档案(EHR)更容易实现互操作,以便跨医疗服务机构传送病人信息。今年2月,Cerner达成了斥资13亿美元收购西门子医疗服务(Siemens Health Services)的交易,期望2015年经营收入能达到50亿美元。2013年,Cerner的股价飙升了44%,可能是由于受有意义使用(Meaningful Use)计划的推动,数字化医疗系统的需求日益加大。据《福布斯》杂志报道,帕特森自称是知名作家安•兰德(Ayn Rand)的忠实拥趸。他是美国政府医疗IT政策委员会的成员,该委员会为美国医疗IT协调办公室献计献策。

4.特里拉贡(Terry Ragon)以16亿美元的净资产,排名《福布斯》富豪榜第1190位。

特里•拉贡(Terry Ragon)

1978年,菲利普·特里·拉贡创办了私人控股公司InterSystems ,其在产品方面的设想是以简单致胜,深深扎根于上世纪60年代在马萨诸塞州总医院发明的应用开发技术。InterSystems开发人员的最初设想是,为医生们提供一种易于使用的编程语言,现在扩大了技术的应用范围,开发创新的数据管理产品和应用快速开发技术。比如,EHR提供商Epic就依赖InterSystems公司的Caché,作为其EHR软件的核心技术。拉贡和Epic创始人福克纳之间的深厚关系可以追溯到他们俩在MUMPS发展委员会供职的时候,MUMPS的全称是马萨诸塞州总医院实用多编程系统。

5.另一个新面孔:克里夫•伊利格(Cliff Illig)以11.6亿美元的净资产,排名《福布斯》富豪榜第1605

克里夫•伊利格(Cliff Illig)

据Cerner官方网站显示,克里夫•W•伊利格是Cerner公司的董事会副主席兼联合创始人,致力于发展壮大Cerner面向市场的业务部门、重大战略关系和公司优先计划。据Cerner声称,在公司于1986年的首次公开发行股票以及1995年的二次上市以及90年代的三次一股变两股的股票分拆中,伊利格敏锐的商业意识无不发挥了重要作用。据《福布斯》杂志报道,伊利格、帕特森和安达信公司的另一位同事保罗•戈鲁普(Paul Gorup)在公园里准备公共会计师考试时,就为后来总部设在堪萨斯城的Cerner公司提出了设想。伊利格之前担任Cerner的首席运营官直到1998年10月,后担任总裁直到1999年3月。如今戈鲁普任职Cerner的首席创新官。

(本文译自 Healthcare IT News






5 health IT billionaires you know 

The Forbes 2015 list of the richest people on the planet has become longer this year with the addition of even more billionaires. We found five health IT pioneers on the list you’ve probably heard of.

There are 1,826 billionaires in the world. This year’s Forbes list includes 290 newcomers. The top three on the list are Bill Gates, who made his $70.2 billion via Microsoft; Carlos Slim Helu, who garnered his $77.1 billion in the telecom business; and Warren Buffet, investor extraordinaire, who racked up $72.7 billion.

Of the five health IT billionaires, there is one newcomer.

1.Patrick Soon-Shiong is No. 96 on the Forbes list with $12.2 billion.

Medical researcher, professor, surgeon and self-made billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong is listed under pharmaceutical on the Forbes list. But, he could be listed under health IT. He is the founder of NantHealth, a company that has built a cloud-based and bi-directional clinical operating system, that he says is agnostic to any device or electronic health record. He has said he plans to put up NantHealth for public offering this year. Recently, the man, who is known as the “richest doctor in the world,” has been focused on a mission to eradicate cancer. On March 2, Soon-Schiong announced that NantHealth and Allscripts would  collaborate on the development and delivery of precision medicine at the point of care. “We look forward to working in partnership with the Allscripts team as the first major clinical EMRvendor to take a major advancement towards the interoperability necessary to enable physicians and patients to stay engaged and active – before, during and after treatment – and enable the most appropriate, personalized intervention as early as possible,” Soon-Shiong said in a press statement.

[See also: NantHealth, Allscripts take on cancer]

2.Judy Faulkner is No. 663 on the list, with a net worth of $2.8 billion.

She founded Verona, Wis.-based Epic Systems in 1979. Forbes pegs Epic’s 2011 revenue at $1.2 billion.

Faulkner is a former member of the government’s 20-member Health IT Policy Committee, which advises the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT.

Clients include many of the country’s top hospitals,  such as Kaiser PermanenteCleveland ClinicJohns Hopkins and Cedars-Sinai. Cerner, whose CEO is next on the list, is Epic’s chief competitor. Also, both companies are vying for an $11 billion contract to build and deploy an electronic health record system for the Department of Defense.

[See also: Epic-Cerner competition heats up]

3.Neal Patterson comes in at 1006, with a net worth of $1.9 billion.

Patterson launched  Kansas City-based Cerner in 1979 with two colleagues from Arthur Andersen’s consulting business. One of those colleagues joins Patterson on the billionaires list for the first time this year. The founders started the company with a single laboratory information system, according to the Cerner website. In 2012 Patterson led the effort to form CommonWell Health Alliance alongside other healthcare IT vendors. The trade organization aims to make interoperability among EHRs easier in order to  transfer of patient information across healthcare providers. this past February, Cerner sealed the deal on $1.3 billion acquisition of Siemens Health Services – and now looks forward to as much as $5B in revenue in 2015.In 2013, Cerner’s stock shot up 44 percent in 2013, probably due to rising demand for digital healthcare systems spurred by the meaningful use program, Patterson calls himself a devoted follower of Ayn Rand, according to Forbes.

He sits on the government’s Health IT Policy Committee, which advises the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT.

[See also: Cerner seals the deal with Siemens]

4. Terry Ragon is No. 1190 with a net worth of $1.6 billion.

Phillip T. (Terry) Ragon founded his privately held company InterSystems in 1978. His product vision – power through simplicity – has deep roots in application development technology invented during the 1960s at Massachusetts General Hospital. Originally conceived as an easy-to-use programming language for doctors, InterSystems developers expanded the technology to create innovative data management products and rapid application development technologies. Today, EHR vendor Epic relies on Intersystems’ Caché as a core technology for its EHR software, for example. The connection between Ragon and Epic founder Faulkner goes back to when both were working on the MUMPS Development Committee. MUMPS stands for Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System.

[See also: What does InterSystems’ Caché have to do with Epic’s EHR?]

5.Cliff Illig, another newcomer, is No. 1605, with a net worth of  $1.16 billion.

Cliff W. Illig, vice chairman of the board and co-founder of Cerner, focuses on growing and expanding Cerner’s market-oriented business units, key strategic relationships and priority corporate initiatives, according to the Cerner website. According to Cerner, Illig’s keen business sense was instrumental in the company’s initial public stock offering in 1986, secondary public offering in 1995 and three two-for-one stock splits in the 1990s. Illig, Patterson and another Arthur Andersen colleague, Paul Gorup, developed the idea for Kansas City-based Cerner in 1979 while studying for the public accountant’s exam (for fun) in a park, according to Forbes. Illig previously served as chief operating officer at Cerner until October 1998 and as president until March 1999. Gorup serves today as Cerner’s chief of innovation.

[See also: Intermountain to aid Cerner on DoD bid]

See Forbes’ complete list here.


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