
IMS Health AppScript联合推出MediSafe移动用药管理平台

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IMS Appscript

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马萨诸塞州波士顿,2015年3月13日——MediSafe公司近日宣布在 IMS Health公司的 AppScrip 平台上推出 MediSafe™,该药物管理平台可以帮助病人管理及服用药物。作为可信赖的 AppScript 应用程序库的一部分,医疗专业人士现在可以将 Medisafe 添加到定制的处方集,并开给病人。


MediSafe公司主管市场营销和业务开发的高级副总裁乔•米凯利(Jon Michaeli)说:“IMS 选择 MediSafe 加入 AppScript,并列入到Doctor’s Channel 网站推出的“本周最佳应用程序”首段部分,我们备感荣幸。医生仍是病人可信赖的顾问,据最近一项研究调查,在因缺乏兴趣或成本问题而不使用移动医疗应用程序和设备的消费者中,48%表示如果医生提供这类应用程序和设备,他们就会使用。我们的平台之间可以形成显著的协同效应;Appscript主要是迎面处理激励问题,而Medisafe是通过全面处理不依从问题,鼓励病人积极参与,而不是仅限于基本的提醒。”

IMS Health AppScript是第一款按医疗专业人士和病人在药物处方方面期望的标准开发的应用程序。作为健康、预防和治疗方案的一部分,医生可以根据特定的病人群体和治疗偏好,将这些应用程序编入处方集。此外,AppScript让医生能够通过任何移动设备安全地开处方,同时可以核对和跟踪了解病人使用应用程序的情况。

IMS Health的产品主管迈克尔•克鲁普尼克(Michael Krupnick)说:“从我们专有的AppScript分数来看,Medisafe是AppScript生态圈最出色的药物管理应用程序之一。AppScript分数包括临床、病人、专业性、功能、支持率和开发人员等方面的评分。”


AppScript™是全球领先的面向移动医疗技术的发现和分发平台,。这个软件即服务(SaaS)解决方案对120000多个移动医疗应用程序进行分类和评估,这些应用程序按病人治疗过程中的情况和阶段来分类,目前60000多个应用程序可以下载到iOS和安卓平台上。每个应用程序使用该公司专有的IMS Health AppScore来评估,IMS Health AppScore则根据功能、同行及病人评论、支持率、提高疗效以及降低医疗成本的潜力等方面对应用程序评分。AppScript让任何医疗专业人士都能够通过任何移动界面,安全地开处方、核对和跟踪了解病人使用应用程序的情况。欲了解更多信息,请访问http://www.appscript.net

关于IMS Health

IMS Health是一家领先的跨国信息和技术服务公司,为医疗保健行业的客户提供衡量和改善业绩的全面解决方案。通过运用托管在IMS One智能云上的先进分析工具和专有应用程序套件,该公司整合疾病、治疗、成本和疗效等方面超过10 PB的复杂医疗数据,帮助客户更有效地运营业务。10000多名员工竭力为100个国家的5000多个医疗客户改善效果,可以利用来自100000家供应商的信息,以及来自每年处理的550多亿笔医疗事务的宝贵信息。客户包括制药公司、消费者健康及医疗设备制造商和分销商、医疗服务机构、付费方、政府机构、决策人员、研究人员和金融界。

作为保护病人个人隐私方面的全球领导者,IMS Health使用匿名医疗数据,提供实际疾病和治疗方面的重要专业知识。这些专业知识帮助生物技术和制药公司、医疗研究人员、政府机构、付费方及医疗行业的其他利益相关者明确未得到满足的治疗要求,了解医药产品在改善整体健康状况方面的疗效和价值。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.imshealth.com


MediSafe™是一种领先的移动药物管理平台,它可以通过智能手机和平板电脑,提醒病人服用药物,旨在提高用药依从率,并遏制全球每年医疗成本不断增长的势头。如果病人忘记服药,该个性化应用程序(已经被全球140多万用户下载)就会提醒家人、朋友和护理人员。这款屡获奖项、界面直观的应用程序可从Google Play和iTunes下载。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.medisafe.com



BOSTON, MA (March 13, 2015) – MediSafe Inc. today announced the immediate availability of MediSafe™, which helps patientsmanage and take their medications, on IMS Health’s AppScript™ platform. As part of the trusted library of AppScript apps, healthcare professionals can now add MediSafe to their customized formularies and prescribe it to patients.

MediSafe is an award-winning, patient-centric and data driven medication management platform, designed to address all of the major causes of non-adherence tailored to individual patient situations. An industry leader with over 1.4 million downloads and hundreds of thousands of weekly active users across iOS and Android smartphones and tablets, MediSafe reminds patients to take their medications and offers support through real-time connectivity to caregivers and other personalized resources and services.

“We are honored that IMS has selected MediSafe for AppScript and to be featured on the Doctor’s Channel upcoming “App of the Week” inaugural segment. Physicians are still patients’ trusted advisor; according to a recent study, 48% of consumers who don’t use mhealth apps and devices due to disinterest or cost concerns said they would do so if provided by their physician,” said MediSafe’s EVP Marketing & Business Development, Jon Michaeli.  “There is great synergy between our platforms; Appscript tackles the motivational issue head-on, while MediSafe keeps patients engaged by addressing non-adherence holistically, far beyond basic reminders.”

IMS Health AppScript is the first app prescribing solution built to the standards that healthcare professionals and their patients expect in medication prescribing. As part of wellness, prevention and treatment regimens, physicians can organize these apps into formularies based on their specific patient population and practice preferences. In addition, AppScript enables them to securely prescribe, reconcile and track app use by patients from any mobile device.

“MediSafe is among the best medication management apps in the AppScript universe based on our proprietary AppScript Score, which includes clinical, patient, professional, functional, endorsement and developer ratings,” said Michael Krupnick, Director of Product for IMS Health.




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