
【HIMSS15看点速递(十五)】HIMSS 2015年信息学护士影响调查报告:60%认为信息学护士对医护质量具有重大影响

来源:HIT专家网     沈建苗译




HIMSS的信息学副总裁乔伊斯•森斯梅尔(Joyce Sensmeier)说:“《2015年信息学护士影响调查》表明了信息学护士对改善患者医护的质量和效率起到了积极影响。我们会继续看到技术在医疗卫生领域的角色和应用日益加大,对受过信息学培训的护士的需求会同步加大。由于临床医师进一步致力于将信息转变成知识,技术将是未来医疗服务模式的一个根本推动因素,护理信息学出身的领导对这场转变而言将至关重要。”






Chicago, IL (April 13, 2015) – Today, at the HIMSS Annual Conference and Exhibition in Chicago, HIMSS released the results of the 2015 Impact of the Informatics Nurse Survey – a survey of nearly 600 participants including C-suite executives, clinical analysts and informatics nurses. The survey examined the growing technology-driven healthcare ecosystem and the role nursing informatics – a specialty that integrates knowledge, data and wisdom – is playing in this evolving environment. The results indicated that the role of informatics nurses has expanded greatly and is having immense impact on patient safety and overall care, as well as notable workflow and productivity improvements.

This year’s survey, supported by the HIMSS Nursing Informatics Community, found that 60 percent of respondents believe that informaticsvc
nurses have a high degree of impact on the quality of care provided to patients. The survey also showcased that the majority of respondents claim that their organization had hired an informatics professional in a leadership capacity. Moreover, 20 percent of respondents reported employing a Chief Nursing Information Officer (CNIO) at the leadership helm.

“The 2015 Impact of the Informatics Nurse Survey showcases the positive influence informatics nurses are having on improved quality and efficiency of patient care,” said Joyce Sensmeier, Vice President of Informatics for HIMSS. “We are going to continue to see the role and use of technology expand in healthcare and the demand for nurses with informatics training will grow in parallel. As clinicians further focus on transforming information into knowledge, technology will be a fundamental enabler of future care delivery models and nursing informatics leaders will be essential to this transformation.”

As healthcare provider organizations look to build upon their electronic health record (EHR) solution in order to leverage data analytics and population health management tools to transition to a true learning health system, nurses will continue to play an important role in the process. Key findings from the survey reinforce that participants believe that informatics nurses bring value to the implementation phase (85 percent) and optimization phase (83 percent) of clinical systems processes. These numbers are a clear indicator that the informatics specialty is a critical part of evolving healthcare organizations.    

The survey results also found that informatics nurses are beginning to play a critical role in ensuring user acceptance (75%) and the appropriate adoption of emerging technologies. In fact, 70 percent of respondents agreed that nurses play an important role in medical device integration. It is clear that informatics nurses will continue to be instrumental players in the analysis, implementation, and optimization of advanced information systems and emerging technologies that aim to improve the quality of patient care, while reducing costs.

To download the complete HIMSS report and the corresponding infographic, please visit: www.himss.org/ni


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