
【HIMSS15看点速递(二)】BridgeHead Software:推广独立临床归档

来源:HIT专家网    沈建苗译

编者按:作为全球医疗信息技术领域的年度盛典,HIMSS15全球年会于2015年4月12日至16日在美国芝加哥隆重召开。本次大会共设立1200个展位。HIT专家网特设立HIMSS15专题播报栏目。从今天开始,我们将就一些参展企业及其将展出的产品方案亮点,做一些简要汇编,帮助国内同行快速领略HIT国际创新潮流。本期介绍的是BridgeHead Software

1作为医疗数据管理领域的领导厂商,BridgeHead Software旨在克服传统厂商中立归档(VNA)的局限性,开始推广独立临床归档(ICA)。

BridgeHead Software在HIMSS15上的展位是4221。BridgeHead公司的高管们将会在HIMSS15探讨BridgeHead的多个备份、归档和恢复解决方案,如下:

BridgeHead HealthStore™,是第一款用于长期存储、保护和共享医院数据的独立临床归档(ICA)。BridgeHead HealthStore™基于BridgeHead医疗数据管理(HDM)平台开发而成,是一款模块化解决方案。它让医院能够统一规范对患者病历重要部分信息的访问,同时让医院可以不再依赖任何单一系统查找信息。

BridgeHead RAPid™ Protect Service,是一款新的软件即服务(SaaS)解决方案,它让规模较小的医疗机构能够大幅改进其数据保护策略和方法,同时还不需要高昂的前期成本,每月只需一笔不高的费用,BridgeHead就会提供保护医院、企业数据所需要的所有软件和服务。

BridgeHead医疗数据管理平台,已相继成功部署到玛丽•鲁坦医院(Mary Rutan Hospital)、加州中部儿童医院(Children’s Hospital of Central California)和希洛医疗中心(Hilo Medical Center)。



更多关于BridgeHead Software的内容,请访问:http://www.bridgeheadsoftware.com/


BridgeHead Software executives will be on hand to meet with you at booth 4221, HIMSS15 Annual Conference and Exhibition. April 12 – 16, in Chicago, IL.

A leader in healthcare data management, BridgeHead Software is addressing the constraints of the traditional vendor neutral archive (VNA) and begun advocating for an independent clinical archive (ICA). BridgeHead executives are available to discuss BridgeHead’s multiple backup, archive and recovery solutions, including:

BridgeHead HealthStore™, the first Independent Clinical Archive (ICA) for long-term storage, protection and sharing of hospital data. A modular solution built on top of the BridgeHead Healthcare Data Management (HDM) platform, BridgeHead HealthStore enables hospitals to standardize access to key elements of the patient record while simultaneously freeing them from dependence on any single system to locate the information.

BridgeHead RAPid™ Protect Service, a new Software as a Service (SaaS) offering that enables smaller healthcare facilities to make significant improvements to their data protection strategies and methods without incurring a high up front cost. For a moderate monthly fee, BridgeHead provides all the software and services needed to protect a hospital’s enterprise data.

Successful implementations of the BridgeHead Health Data Management platform at Mary Rutan Hospital, Children’s Hospital of Central California, and Hilo Medical Center.


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