
FDB和Polyglot Systems携手,帮助提高患者用药依从性

来源:HIT专家网     沈建苗译

2015年3月4日,加利福尼亚州南旧金山——第一数据银行公司(FDB)当天宣布和Polyglot Systems达成协议,





,它也可以作为一款独立解决方案来使用,为因健康知识水平低下、视力受损和语言障碍而被认为“高风险”的个人提供用药说明。它让医疗服务人员能够动态地注写完全个性化的病人用药说明,共支持21种语言,用5年级到8年级阅读水平的言词来表述,并附有大号字体、象形图和视频,以便病人简单直观地了解如何用药。Meducation®将补充该公司通过FDB MedKnowledge™提供的现有的消费者和专业用药教育专著系列。

拥有工商管理学硕士(MBA)头衔的FDA总裁查克•都钦达(Chuck Tuchinda)医生博士说:“由于三分之一的美国人健康知识水平低下或者英语水平有限;提供采用多国语言、简单易懂格式的简化用药说明,将有助于提高用药依从性和病人满意度。我们专注于提供创新的解决方案,改善健康状况,降低医疗成本,我们与Polyglot Systems达成的协议将提前实现这一使命。”

《平价医疗法案》(Affordable Care Act)的关键条款要求医院证明,由医疗消费者对医疗服务人员和系统的评估(HCAHPS)分数来衡量的病人满意度很高,不然就要失去一定比例的医保补偿。隶属康涅狄格大学卫生中心的约翰·登普西医院采用Meducation后,发现HCAHPS分数大幅提高。此外,北卡罗来纳州达勒姆的退伍军人医疗中心曾在2014年开展了一项针对用药依从性的健康知识水平调查,得出的结论是,Meducation积极影响了高风险心血管疾病患者的用药依从性和临床疗效。

Polyglot的首席执行官西姆斯•普雷斯顿(Sims Preston)说:“我们与FDB结为合作伙伴,意味着美国和加拿大运用FDB用药知识的大多数医院和药店,还有成千上万家医生诊所,现在可以很容易获得Meducation解决方案。Meducation在满足缺医少药人群的需求方面提供了价值,补充了已经广泛使用的、全面的用药教育信息,我们很高兴FDB认识到这种价值。”

关于Polyglot Systems

Polyglot Systems屡获奖项的Meducation®软件在美国国立卫生研究院的拨款资助下开发而成,旨在消除医疗服务人员和病人在沟通方面的障碍。改善病人的理解能力和用药依从性降低了医疗成本,并且提高了病人满意度。Polyglot的产品已授权给众多医院、卫生系统、诊所和药店使用。


第一数据银行公司(FDB)隶属赫斯特健康网络(Hearst Health network),它是提供用药知识的领先供应商,帮助医疗专业人士做出精确的用药相关决定。数千客户遍布全球,FDB让信息系统开发合作伙伴能够提供一系列广泛的有价值的、实用的、差异化的解决方案。作为首创用药决策支持这类解决方案的公司,我们将用药知识转化为可付诸行动的、针对性的、有效的解决方案,帮助改善病人安全和医疗效果,在这方面已有30多年的丰富经验。想全面了解我们的解决方案和服务,请访问http://www.fdbhealth.com,或在Twitter和LinkedIn上关注我们。


FDB隶属赫斯特健康网络,赫斯特旗下还包括Zynx Health、MCG和Homecare Homebase。赫斯特健康网络的使命是,把重要信息交到病人治疗过程中涉及的每个人的手里,从而帮助指导最重要的医护时刻。在美国,赫斯特健康网络给予的医护指导每年惠及76%的出院病人、1.33亿被保险人、3000万人次的上门就诊、18.8亿张零售药店处方以及32.6亿次处方索赔。赫斯特健康网络的延伸事业包括:赫斯特健康风险投资公司(Hearst Health Ventures)和赫斯特健康创新实验室(Hearst Health Innovation Lab)。欲知详情,请参阅网址:http://www.hearsthealth.com



FDB and Polyglot Systems Partner to Help Improve Medication Adherence

South San Francisco, CA – March 4, 2015 – First Databank (FDB), the leading provider of clinical drug knowledge that helps improve medication-related decisions and patient outcomes, today announced that it has entered into an agreement with Polyglot Systems to be the primary distributor of Polyglot’s proprietary Meducation® simplified patient medication instructions to the hospital, ambulatory and pharmacy markets in the US and Canada.
Meducation is a cloud-based solution, accessible to healthcare providers within their clinical workflow via their EMR system or as a standalone solution, which delivers medication instructions for individuals considered to be “high risk” due to low health literacy, impaired vision and language barriers. It enables providers to dynamically create fully personalized medication patient instructions, in any of 21 languages — written at a 5th to 8th grade reading level with large font sizes, pictograms and videos — to make understanding how to take medications intuitive and simple. Meducation® will complement the company’s existing portfolio ofconsumer and professional medication education monographs offered through FDB MedKnowledge.
“Since one-in-three Americans are either low health literate or have limited English proficiency, offering simplified instructions in multiple languages and easy-to-understand formats will help to increase medication adherence and patient satisfaction,” said Chuck Tuchinda, MD, MBA, president of FDB. “We are focused on providing innovative solutions that improve health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs and our agreement with Polyglot Systems significantly advances this mission.”
Key provisions in the Affordable Care Act require hospitals to demonstrate high patient satisfaction as measured by HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) scores, or forfeit a certain percentage of their Medicare reimbursement. John Dempsey Hospital, part of the University of Connecticut Health Center, saw vast improvement in their HCAHPS scores after adopting Meducation. Additionally, health literacy study on medication adherence conducted in 2014 at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Durham, NC, concluded that Meducation positively affected medication adherence and clinical outcomes for high-risk patients with cardiovascular disease.
“Our partnership with FDB means that the majority of hospitals and pharmacies, and thousands of physician practices in the US and Canada that use FDB’s drug knowledge will now have easy access to the Meducation solution,” said Polyglot CEO, Sims Preston. “We are delighted that FDB recognizes the value that Meducation offers in addressing the needs of underserved populations as a complement to their extensive drug education information already widely available.”
About Polyglot Systems
Polyglot Systems’ award-winning Meducation® software was developed under a grant from the National Institutes of Health to bridge communication barriers between healthcare providers and patients. Improving patient understanding and medication adherence results in reduced healthcare costs and increased patient satisfaction. Polyglot’s products have been licensed to hospitals, health systems, clinics and pharmacies.
About First Databank (FDB) 
FDB (First Databank), part of the Hearst Health network, is the leading provider of drug knowledge that helps healthcare professionals make precise medication-related decisions. With thousands of customers worldwide, FDB enables our information system developer partners to deliver a wide range of valuable, useful, and differentiated solutions. As the company that virtually launched the medication decision support category, we offer more than three decades of experience in transforming drug knowledge into actionable, targeted, and effective solutions that help improve patient safety and healthcare outcomes. For a complete look at our solutions and services please visit http://www.fdbhealth.com or follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
About Hearst Health
FDB is part of the Hearst Health network, which also includes Zynx HealthMCG and Homecare Homebase. The mission of the Hearst Health network is to help guide the most important care moments by delivering vital information into the hands of everyone who touches a person’s health journey. Each year in the U.S., care guidance from the Hearst Health network reaches 76% of discharged patients, 133 million insured individuals, 30 million home health visits, 1.88 billion retail pharmacy prescriptions and 3.26 billion prescription claims. Extensions of the Hearst Health network include Hearst Health Ventures and the Hearst Health Innovation Lab. www.hearsthealth.com


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