
【HIMSS15看点速递(四)】Summit Healthcare:新解决方案致力于MU第三阶段应用

来源:HIT专家网   沈建苗译

 编者按:作为全球医疗信息技术领域的年度盛典,HIMSS15全球年会将于2015年4月12日至16日在美国芝加哥隆重召开。本次大会共设立1200个展位。HIT专家网特设立HIMSS15专题播报栏目,将就一些参展企业及其将展出的产品方案亮点,做一些简要汇编,帮助国内同行快速领略HIT国际创新潮流。本期介绍的是Summit Healthcare公司。

2自1999年进入Meditech社区医院领域以来,Summit Healthcare一直支持医院整合工作,并扩大到支持所有主要的医院信息系统(HIS)平台,包括围绕业务连续性技术与Cerner公司达成经销商合作伙伴关系。

Summit Healthcare计划扩大目前的互操作性平台,2015年对他们来说是激动人心的一年。新的技术解决方案包括:Summit Provider Alert和一款基于Web的应用程序。应用程序可以在受控制、安全的环境下,将针对特定病人的医院事件数据(例如住院事件、出院事件和医护总结事件),实时提供给指定的医护团队成员,除了患者家人以外,这些医护团队成员还包括初级保健医生和临床医生。新技术专注于预期的有意义使用第三阶段(Meaningful Use Stage 3)计划,旨在有助于减少再次住院( re-admissions),从而降低医疗成本。

Summit Healthcare公司的旗舰技术Summit脚本工具包(Summit Scripting Toolkit)继续得以采用,并应用在所有的HIS平台上,Summit Healthcare最近签下了多个客户,包括Cerner旗下的Wellspan Health、Meditech旗下的哈利法克斯医疗中心以及McKesson旗下的北河谷医院等。许多医疗组织面临“少花钱多办事”这一困难,而Summit Healthcare的工作流自动化技术满足了这方面的要求。在一个网站上,Summit Healthcare通过与第三方提供商共同实现用料管理订购和应付账款过程自动化,仅仅一个脚本在第一年的节省就超过38000美元。

Summit Healthcare公司在HIMSS15年会上的展位是#3306。

产品应用示例(图片来源:Summit Healthcare网站)

产品应用示例(图片来源:Summit Healthcare网站)

更多关于Summit Healthcare的内容,请访问:http://www.summithealthcare.net/


Summit Healthcare will be attending HIMSS15 (booth #3306). Summit Healthcare has been enabling hospital integration since 1999 beginning in the Meditech community hospital space and expanding to support all major HIS platforms including a reseller partnership with Cerner for our business continuity technology.

With plans underway to expand our current interoperability platform, 2015 continues to be an exciting year for Summit Healthcare. These new technology offerings include Summit Provider Alert; a web based application that delivers real-time patient-specific Hospital Event data such as Admission, Discharge, and Summary of Care events to their specified care team members in a controlled and secure environment. These care team members include both primary care providers and clinicians as well as family members. The new technology focuses on anticipated Meaningful Use Stage 3 initiatives, by helping reduce re-admissions assisting to lower healthcare costs.

Our flagship technology, Summit Scripting Toolkit, continues to be adopted across all HIS platforms seen through recent customer signings at Wellspan Health (Cerner), Halifax Health Medical Center (Meditech), North Valley Hospital (McKesson)  and more. Organizations are faced with the task of doing “more with less”, our workflow automation technology answers that call.  At one site we had one script alone save over $38,000 in the first year by automating the Material Management ordering and AP process with a 3rd party vendor.


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