


来源:HIT专家网    翻译:沈建苗


2015年12月,TeleHealth Services和UbiCare宣布达成合作伙伴关系,推出一种新的患者参与(Patient Engagement)解决方案——Tigr@Home,提供了针对具体病情的教育照护方案,从术前到出院,全程覆盖,这会影响到全美国900万患者。



UbiCare首席执行官Betsy Weaver说:“由于捆绑支付方案成为常态,医院必须全程管理患者的照护,而不是仅仅在住院期间予以管理。这包括设定患者的期望,并与他们分享可靠的医疗信息,创造更好的患者体验。”


波士顿大学的“重新设计的出院项目”发现,患者教育帮助医院将再度入院减少多达40%。俄勒冈大学的Judith Hibbard博士做过另一项著名的调查,结果发现,在手术后一年内,与参与程度较低的患者相比,积极参与的患者其医疗成本要低21%。


TeleHealth Services总裁Dan Nathan说:“Tigr@Home 是一种行之有效的方法,可以在整个医疗过程中提供重要的医疗和康复信息。很高兴能将我们成功的互动患者参与系统扩大到家庭和非急症医疗中心。这些新工具能让医院更合理地利用在患者门户网站上面的投入,同时让患者可以在其他场景下获取动态的、个性化的照护方案,从而提升照护效果。”






Tigr@Home从这些主要人群开始入手,让医院能够顺畅地调动患者积极性,并改善他们的体验和满意度。想了解关于Tigr@Home解决方案的更多信息,请访问TeleHealth Solution在HIMSS16大会上的4855号展位。2月29日至3月4日,HIMSS16大会在拉斯维加斯如期召开。


Patient Education Extends Value-Based Care to 9 Million in

TeleHealth Services/UbiCare Partnership

Boston, MA and Raleigh, N.C. (February 23, 2016) — Hospitals have long been defined by their number of beds. As healthcare shifts its focus to value-based care, hospitals must now take a patient-centered care approach, effectively counting “heads not beds.”

The recent partnership between TeleHealth Services and UbiCare (announced in December) impacts 9 million of those heads with the new Tigr@Home patient engagement solution that provides condition-specific education care plans from pre-op through discharge.

“With bundled payment plans becoming the norm, hospitals must manage a patient’s episode of care rather than just the time spent in the hospital,” said UbiCare CEO Betsy Weaver. “That includes setting patient expectations and sharing reliable healthcare information with them —creating a better patient experience.”

In fact, setting patient expectations is proven to engage patients in managing their own care and avoiding complications and readmissions, in turn driving down the overall cost of healthcare.

Boston University’s Project RED (Re-Engineered Discharge) found that patient education helped hospitals reduce readmissions up to 40 percent. Another well-known study by Dr. Judith Hibbard out of the University of Oregon found that activated patients have care costs 21 percent lower in the year after surgery compared to patients with low levels of engagement.

Tigr@Home kicked off with service for two of the most critical patient populations: new and expectant parents and joint replacement surgery patients.

“Tigr@Home is an effective and efficient way to extend vital care and recovery information across the continuum of care,” said Dan Nathan, president of TeleHealth Services. “We are excited to expand the success of our interactive patient engagement systems to the home and post-acute facilities. These new tools will allow hospitals to provide more meaningful use of their patient portal investments, while allowing their patients access to dynamic, personalized care plans in additional settings to increase the efficacy of their care.”

Why new and expectant parents? Women are often referred to as the “Chief Medical Officers” of their homes. They handle 80 percent of healthcare decisions and set the tone for health in their families. Hospitals need to improve the patient experience during pregnancy and childbirth especially, as improving patient satisfaction and HCAHPS scores play a greater role in hospital reimbursements.

An independent Deloitte study of military families receiving digital education about pregnancy and child care found that these patient-provider communications resulted in: 84 percent take better care of their families, 76 percent take better care of themselves, and 74 percent have better connections with their hospitals.

Why joint replacement surgery patients? CMS’s Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) initiative (beginning April 1 in 790 hospitals) has set the expectation that hospitals focus on reducing readmissions and keeping patients satisfied while they manage the entire episode of care.

“Reaching beyond the hospital walls — both pre-operatively and throughout recovery — hospitals will be well-prepared forsucceeding with Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement and other bundled payment programs and value-based care initiatives,” said Weaver.

Beginning with these primary populations, Tigr@Home enables hospitals to seamlessly activate patients and improve their experience and satisfaction. For more information on the new Tigr@Home solutions visit the TeleHealth Solution’s booth #4855 at the HIMSS conference in Las Vegas (Feb. 29 – March 4).



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