
荣获新西兰国家创新科研津贴,Odin Health创建四周年的里程碑

来源:HIT专家网     供稿:Odin Health


奥克兰,2018年10月23日,星期二:新西兰软件公司Odin Health荣获新西兰政府属下的 Callaghan Innovation授予的国家级创新成长科研津贴(R&D Growth Grant)。

今年8月19日,Odin Health收到新西兰政府创新主管机构Callaghan Innovation的正式通知,荣获新西兰商业、创新和就业部 (MBIE) 国家级创新成长科研津贴(R&D Growth Grant)。Odin Health成立于2014年8月18日,这是Odin Health成立四周年之际的一个令人兴奋的里程碑。


Odin Health的首席执行官John Shen说:“这是对Odin Health及其在市场上的创新产品的极大认可。” 科研津贴的申请流程非常严谨,在全球四大会计师事务所之一德勤的协助下,Odin Health成功获得这项成长科研津贴。

 “我们很荣幸被授予此津贴。这认可了Odin Health是一家新西兰高效领先的科技创新的企业。这项津贴对于Odin Health来说意义重大,为我们提供了必要的资金,建议和支持,以提高我们的全球竞争力“。

 “Odin Health在此项科研津贴的支持下, 将投入更多的资金到研发中,同时继续坚持工匠精神,不断创新,开拓全球新市场,更好地为全球客户提供服务。“

Callaghan Innovation成长科研津贴旨在增加新西兰的商业研发投资,以建设更多元化,创新和技术先进的国家。这些津贴授予投入了一定比例研发资源的,经验丰富的优秀研发企业,同时企业也要满足政府严格的金融和尽职调查的要求。

对于Odin Health,成长科研津贴将:

  • 为Odin Health的研发投资增加规模,以增加市场影响力
  • 加快新技术的研发和创新步伐,为客户带来利益
  • 帮助Odin Health适灵活调整研发计划
  • 帮助Odin Health继续增加在研发方面的投资,以获得最大回报

政府机构Callaghan Innovation 主管激励创新并加速商业化进程,以帮助企业更快地成长,打造更美好的新西兰。欲了解更多信息,请访问https://www.callaghaninnovation.govt.nz


Birthday Milestone  –  Odin Health awarded Callaghan Innovation Growth Grant

Auckland, Tuesday 23th October 2018:  The New Zealand Software Company Odin Health has been awarded a New Zealand R&D Growth Grant by Callaghan Innovation.

On 19 August 2018 Odin Health received confirmation from New Zealand’s innovation agency, Callaghan Innovation, it had been awarded an R&D Growth Grant. This was an exciting milestone for Odin Health on its fourth anniversary, having been established August 18, 2014.

In supporting innovative high-tech and science research in New Zealand, the Growth Grant provides R&D co-funding of up to $NZD15 million (about 70 million RMB) from the New Zealand Government, over a three year term ($5m per year).

Odin Health’s Chief Executive John Shen says “This is great recognition for Odin Health and its product innovation in the market.” The application process was rigorous, and with assistance from Deloitte – a top four global accounting firm – Odin Health was awarded the Growth Grant.

“We are honoured to be awarded this Grant recognizing Odin Health as a  high-performing science and innovation business within New Zealand. It is of great importance to Odin Health, providing the necessary co-funding, advice and support to increase our global competitiveness”.

“Odin Health with support from this grant will continue to innovate by investing more in R&D, while adhering to the spirit of craftsmanship. We will be better able to serve customers around the world as we seek out new markets.”

Callaghan Innovation Growth Grant aims to increase business R&D investment in New Zealand for a more diverse, innovative and technologically advanced nation. The grants are awarded to experienced R&D performers who have invested a certain proportion of their revenue on eligible R&D and meet financial and due diligence requirements.

For Odin Health the Growth Grant will:

  • Add scale to Odin Health’s R&D investment for greater market impact
  • Accelerate the pace of R&D and innovation in new technologies for customer benefit
  • Be flexible by allowing Odin Health to adapt to where they want to take their R&D program
  • Continue to grow Odin Health’s investment in R&D for maximum return

Callaghan Innovation is a Government Agency which activates innovation and accelerates commercialisation to help businesses grow faster for a better New Zealand. For further information visit https://www.callaghaninnovation.govt.nz

英文原文由新西兰政府机构 Callaghan Innovation 修改定稿并授权发表。

关于Odin Health

Odin Health 是一家高速成长的新西兰创新高科技公司,拥有经验丰富、业界领先的资深架构师和研发人员,采用新技术为中国提供自主知识产权的前瞻性医疗软件。



根据多年对国内集成的现状和需求的调研,Odin Health对产品– Odin引擎–进行深度的本土化二次开发,做适合中国的引擎。Odin引擎取得了国内著作权,仅过去12个月以来,Odin引擎在国内超过40家三甲医院上线。例如安徽医科大学第一附属医院、重庆市南川区人民医院已通过互联互通标准化成熟度四级甲等评测,大同煤矿集团有限责任公司总医院已通过电子病历六级评审,浙江省台州医院通过了HIMMS O-EMRAM(门诊)六级。





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